Now Showing: 5/15 – 5/31 Katherine Johnson & Deborah Henson


Connecting Dark & Light – Katherine Johnson
Is darkness a statement in a field of light or is light the message offered by the shapes of darkness? Through focusing on the juxtaposition and interplay of light and dark, with a limited color palette, my work brings a sense of pared down reality. I see the dark and light paintings as exploring the meaning of darkness and light in myself and in the world


Sit – Deborah Henson
“My loss was the death of the Polaroid. My gain was the iPhone. That camera allows for an obsessive, continual adaptation of the image. My photos are displayed with chairs or other seats, to permit a stillness that the iPhone image rarely experiences.”

Now Showing: 4/24 – 5/10 Dennis Pippen & Selected Art Students League of Denver Faculty

The Enigma of Frog and Toad

Magically Delicious – Exhibition at Edge Gallery of pop art paintings by Dennis Pippen.  The focus is on optical effects and jarring color combinations with an emphasis on satire and humor. Themes include rodeo, gun culture and classic cartoons.

Grove detail

Euclidean Space: A dimensional transformation of art.
Select faculty members of the Art Students League:  Homare Ikeda, Mark Friday, Gayla Lemke, Mark Lunning, Nura Mascarenas, Marianne Mitchell and Jeff Wenzel, will exhibit a range of multi-dimensional work.  Artist reception May 8, 6 – 10 pm.

March 13 – March 29 Stephen Shugart

Stephen Shugart – Modern Camping


Stephen Shugart’s multi-media installation, Modern Camping, opens at Edge Gallery March 13 –March 29. Shugart is a light artist, sculptor and painter. He is interested in creating personal landscapes of the mind through alteration of human visual perception with “landscape viewing devices.” Shugart has recently shown at the Incite/Insight nationally juried show at the Ft. Collins Lincoln Center and was a participant in the 2014 Artocade, art car show in Trinidad, CO with Phase 1 of his 4 x 4, all-terrain mobile light sculpture and landscape viewing truck.

The truck’s viewing cowl, a light installation by itself, will be on display, in addition to video documentation of the driving experience on national forest roads, and other supporting visuals and devices. Modern Camping investigates a novel way of viewing the natural world. It is a new mode of landscape art–a landscape art experience rather than necessarily a painting or photograph of landscape. Modern Camping is a fusion of lighting technology and nature, directly embodying and synthesizing the nature/civilization duality of our day. Colored light, Shugart says, invokes spirituality and oneness as nature does. Both experiences are complementary and meditative—light is a medium that can capture the illusive interior light of the mind when eyes are closed…when eyes are open and present.

A Contemporary Art Gallery